No prior knowledge needed!
Spencer is a DIY voice assistant that will teach you about AI, voice recognition, IoT, and speech synthesis.
The best part is that you get to assemble him yourself.
He also has a funny personality, tells jokes, and finds new ones online.
Things you can do with Spencer:
- Ask about the weather forecast for your area
- Hear a joke
- Ask him to sing you a song
- Set a stopwatch
- Make Spencer display custom animations
- Laugh at his corny popular culture references
You’ll learn about hardware
- Learn how to solder and assemble your very own personal voice assistant
- Learn about microcomputers & electronics
- Find out how an LED grid display works
You’ll learn about software
- Learn how to code a microcomputer in C/C++ and CircuitBlocks
- Learn about the Internet of things
- Learn about artificial intelligence and how to make Spencer smart
- Learn about voice recognition and speech synthesis
What you’ll get in the Box:
Spencer’s circuit board that includes a pre-soldered 144-pixel LED grid
The brain board – does smart stuff and includes a dual-core processor, a 16 MB flash memory chip, and power-management circuitry
Acrylic casing – this protects Spencer’s innards from the outside world
A big red button
Bag of other small components such as resistors and pushbuttons
Micro USB cable for powering your Spencer
5W Speaker
Instruction booklet – ready for your offline knowledge consumption